Cuba, the Natural Beauty Expedition

Clyde Butcher is an American treasure of a stature close to, if not equal to, the reputation of Ansel Adams. Adams was the photographer that recorded and popularized the natural wonder of the American West in black and white.

Butcher has been doing the same for Florida’s Everglades. He is also a “local” boy with a studio in Ochopee. His status was reinforced when the United Nations invited him to photograph the rain forests, cliffs, waterfalls and natural beauty of Cuba’s Sierra Maestra Mountains as part of the International Year of the Mountains (2002).

Those large format photographs are now on display in exhibition at the Collier County Museum. The exhibition, “Cuba, the Natural Beauty Expedition”, will continue through January 15, 2014. This is an excellent opportunity for guests vacationing in a Marco Escapes property this winter to immerse themselves in the world and imagery of Clyde Butcher. The museum is located off of Tamiami Trail (Rte 41) adjacent to the Collier County Government Campus. For more information, please call (239) 252-8476.